Without the threat of fire, modern city life would be unthinkable. The biggest sources of fire danger are LPG gas and electricity. Fire and electricity are required in our kitchens, corridors, bedrooms, lobbies, and washrooms, among other places. Given that we must live in a fire-prone environment, the best way to protect ourselves is to be Fire Ready. The availability of a working fire extinguisher in close proximity is the most critical piece of equipment for being fire ready.
Stolen and misplaced portable fire extinguishers are a common occurrence. Frequently, due to lack of maintenance, the gas inside them leaks out, leaving only the cylinder with no fire-fighting gas. Manual inspection was the only way to assess the extinguishers’ health and existence, which was costly and prone to errors. The lack of availability or functioning of a portable fire extinguisher in the event of fire might result in deadly consequences.
As part of its fire alarm system, Victofire Pyrox engineers have designed a very affordable extinguisher monitoring device. The existence and condition of portable fire extinguishers in each zone are monitored by this extinguisher monitoring equipment. It shows the status of the fire alarm panel through a dedicated set of LEDs. One can see if all of the portable extinguishers in each zone are in place and operational just by looking at the panel.
If utilised properly, this useful addition to the scope of fire alarms has the potential to save innocent lives, and the Victofire Team invites you to become early adopters of this crucial extension to fire alarms to safeguard your own cozy world.